GripeLine by ED

Planting Seeds in Flats

Naturally, a gardener wants to get the most of planting season. This intention is even more important if that season is short. To achieve optimum results, there is a technique of planting seeds in flats under maintained conditions, and where they get prepared to go in the open soil when the weather is ok. Calculation of the correct seeding date relies on knowing the average date of last frost. That date can be figured out in USDA frost maps. A more precise time interval can be provided by your local agricultural department, university or master classes in gardening. Do not forget that those dates are average, so refer to your common sense when going for actual seeding.

As soon as you are determined about the frost date, you also need to inquire the number of weeks it takes your plant to grow to transfer-ready size. Setting initial point at the last frost date determined, subtract that needed week count. Also, mind the closest favorable moon phase as well as optimal zodiac sign. If you feel that some adjustment for the date or week count is needed, consult experienced agronomist. Anyway, even after transferring to soil you will be able to cover it in case of unexpected temperature variations.
Calculating the date of starting a fall garden is based on determining the average first frost date, subtracting the week count needed to grow up to harvesting state. In zones with mild winters, hardy cultures may well be put in soil later by 4 or even 8 weeks. However, such cultures still need to reach a considerable growth stage before the cold temperature is set. If you fulfill this requirement, plants will give you good harvest at late autumn or start of spring.

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